Monday, June 23, 2014

Some Things You Should Know...

Currently you are viewing my main blog, and on this blog there are/will be links to any current/future blogs I write. For instance, right now all I have is a separate blog for BB16. If you click the BB16 link or just visit this URL: , you can access my BB16 blog which currently contains my version of the house tour and some first impressions of the new HG's. During this upcoming season of BB, I plan to be much more active with this blog hopefully including daily updates, and any other information I find regarding BB16. Also, from my BB16 blog there is also a link that will take you back to my main blog, from there you can access any other blogs or links I share. I plan to start a separate blog for each season of BB, sharing what information I find interesting or relevant at all. But if you plan to use my blog to get your Big Brother Fix, check this blog, and my bb16 blog daily.
Thank you so much to whoever may be reading, and I not only encourage, but implore you to comment along with your thoughts and ideas, or maybe even just to let me know you're reading. Enjoy!
- Victoria *BigBrotherFix*

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I have had to create a new blog to attatch to this blog about BB16. Refer to the BB16 tab above for all info on this upcoming season, also feel free to comment and post under that, and any other links/blogs I post above in the future and ask what you'd like to see, or just share your opinion. First Impressions post to be released tonight, I will tweet when that will be available, so keep your eyes on your timeline if you're interested in seeing that. Thanks so much to whoever sees this, and I hope I can deliver what you like to see about BB this upcoming season.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Countdown to BB16

Although we are still 14 long days away from the official premier of our guilty pleasure/addiction, also known as Big Brother 16, some have been counting down for much longer. I believe the official countdown on the Survivor Sucks forum began on January 1, of this year. I must say, Big Brother fans are second to only to "Beliebers" when it comes to being die-hard. But who am I to judge when I currently have six BB related tabs open in my browser, and BB8 playing on my other laptop? Hey, there are worse things to be addicted to. It is estimated that all the Houseguests-to-be will be sequestered by this upcoming Sunday, June 15. The cast reveal may or may not have been confirmed for June 19, however I have heard this from multiple sources, so it seems we will all know the official cast in eight days. Will there be any past Houseguests returning this year? BB fans have indulged in a mad frenzy of speculation, like they do, with tons of supposed "leaks" and rumors. Although nothing at all has been confirmed, I suspect a mixed cast of both newbies and returnees. The one thing that has been confirmed is the one thing no one expected, as fans have been whining for it for years: Big Brother has finally joined the rest of cable television in broadcasting in High Definition. Yay! Now we can get up close and personal in crystal clear HD. I will be updating as soon as I know the facts, I know that I have been slacking as far as posts go, but now that its almost officially BBUS season, I plan to be much more active, so stay tuned!

The FIX is in! BB16 to premiere June 25!

The FIX is in! BB16 to premiere June 25!
Are you ready to meet the next HouseGuests?